Bit is randomly plunging very deep then returning to cut depth

I just purchased carbide create pro to be able to 3d machine. My first two 3d jobs were perfect. I used a 1/4" end mill for the rough pass and a 1/32" ball mill for finish pass.
Today while cutting the finish pass in pine in 3 separate modals the bit while machining .1 deep plunged into the piece deep then retracted to the .1 cut depth and continued machining. The first time it drove the bit slightly deeper in the collet and when it returned to the cut depth of .1 it was cutting air above the surface as if the bit moved in the collet slightly. This happened several times on all 3 files.
What is happening and how do I correct this?

What are the models of?
It could be trying to get a part that is a blank space.

I’m unfailiar with carbide create but in aspire, i have the ability to move and rotate the model.
Verify that it doesn’t have gaps in the model, and if it does add a component to raise to the back of your model.