I’ve written a bit setter code that functions more closely to Carbide Motion for those who are used to that workflow this is nearly identical. Same idea as my previous post but this one probes the tool length at the beginning of the file. This means that you only have to probe the NEW tool when the tool change happens. Very similar to how Carbide Motion works. The only real difference is that you zero your workpiece before the tool is measured.
For those that do a lot of carves with more than 2 tools, this is a quicker way to use the bit setter. The only drawback is that it will measure the tool length at the beginning even if you are only using one tool and don’t have a tool change as well.
So for this one you need to modify the program-start dialogue box in the Controller>Settings>program-start. BACK UP YOUR CONFIG FILE FIRST IN Settings>General.
Delete existing commands in program-start dialogue and replace with the following:
G21 G40 G49 G17 G90
G53 G0 Z-10
G53 G0 X780 Y50
M0(MSG, Attach Probe Magnet, Attach Dust Boot, Click “Continue”)
G0 Z10
G38.2 Z-133 F100
G53 G0 Z-10
M0(MSG, Remove Probe Magnet, Click “Continue”)
G0 X0 Y0
G90 G17
Also, you will need to delete the existing commands in Controller>Settings>tool-change and replace them with the following:
G21 G40 G49 G17 G90
G53 G0 Z-10
G53 G0 X780 Y50
M0(MSG,Remove Dust Boot, Change Tool, Attach Probe, Click “Continue”)
G53 G0 Z-70
G38.2 Z-133 F100
G0 Z25.4
G92 Z[#5000-#4999+25.4]
G53 G0 Z-10
M0(MSG,REMOVE MAGNET!!!, Replace Dust Boot, Click “Continue”)
G0 X0 Y0
So you just set your zero as usual, probe or no probe however you prefer. Press the play button to run the file and it will run you thru probing the tool that is loaded to measure the length. When the tool change comes you now remove the first tool insert the next tool and follow the prompts. And continue this for all subsequent tool changes.
The G53 G0 X780 Y50 can be changed to wherever your probe is, to find these coordinates turn off the controller, restart it, home machine, and then use the controller and move to where you have your probe. Note the coordinates for X and Y and enter those coordinates in place of X780 Y50. You’ll need to do this in both dialogue boxes. Firmware 1.0.5
Has been tested with Vectric, but should work with all software that allows M6 tool changes. Makita router lowest Z slider position 3/4” wasteboard. Z values in macro may need altering with different configurations of router/spindle and slider position.
Video link, sorry for my poor videographer abilities.