Bowl & Tray Bit alignment is off?

I’m trying to figure out how to fix the alignment of this cut using a .5” bowl bit. As another post noted, I probed the XYZ with a .25” bit (set Probe Diameter to .25) as the XY as all about measuring the center of the collet. I then swap out for the bowl bit, reprobe only for the Z and it still gets offset in the cut.

Is there something I could have overlooked?

Since it appears off different amounts in x and y:
Is it possible the probe plate moved on you?

If you program from stock corner, does the stock size used in your CAM match the real stock?

If you programmed from part center, do it again, but this time draw an X in the stock center, install a sharp tip bit and jog to X0Y0 and see if they line up.


Step 1…throw xyz probe block into your recycle bin.

Step 2…there isn’t a step 2, you solved your problem with step 1

Ha ok I’m all ears on your method.

Did you copy or enlarge the original rectangle?
It’s possible it’s now rotated slightly
You can verify by mirroring the shape and see if any lines are no longer parallel

Looks like it could be a home position issue. Your CAM software might not be using the corner of your block as X0Y0. You can double check this by moving the machine to X0Z0 and confirming the center of the bit is above the edge of the workpiece. Using a drill bit, or a chamfering bit with a nice point helps.

It is also worth making sure the offest values of your probe block match the values in Masso (if it is Masso you are using).