Help not cutting where it should Offset or something

Ok no

Not sure if its a machine problem or vcarve problem. My projects are centered when programed but when printing it seems to like offset to oneside. Also if i am doing such as a rectangle the right side is smaller on the edge. Even on other designs. I also noticed my cut starts more to the left even though I have it sent to go in the middle of the board and yes my job size is right. I dont have a vacuum set up worth anything zo excuse the saw dust I know most of you are professional and have money for everything upfront

My best guess at what is happening - you set the lower left corner of the workpiece as your zero point and the block of wood is smaller than what you have configured in Vcarve.

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I would have to disagree with that one haha. My guess is that you accidentally added an offset in the material setup.


Are you using the touchprobe upside down or does it proved a positive stop on both bottom and side corner?

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I manually zero the the location of XYZ

What are your probe block settings on the machine?

I guess I have never set the probe block setting on the machine. I just set the XYZ. I was setting it with the probe but still was having problems so I did it manually seemed to work better for me.