Hey guys - 1st time I’ve ever encountered this issue. Every single other carve has been fine.
In easel, i usually zero x&y on the lower left corner of my workpiece as I usually have extra room on all sides to cut off later. I also make sure Easel is set up to zero at the lower left.
Well, for whatever reason on this last carve and now all of the projects I’ve uploaded since the 1f wants to start way right of center - it’s almost like it wants to zero to the far right of the workpiece. I haven’t a clue what I did or what the heck happened.
I’ve rebooted, re-homed (obviously) - restarted my computer - logged out of Easel several times - started a new project with same results - I’m lost.
I use Vcarve, and not Easel, but I would assume that you need to set your shape position to 0,0 instead of 0.672, 0.375. You’re setting your machine zero to the corner of your workpiece, but in Easel your workpiece isn’t in the zero corner.
With the circle image, it looks like you put the circle 16 inches from the x & y zero, then set the zero at the yellow point. The green circle looks to be about the distance you would expect from the yellow (zero) point.
But I don’t want my workpiece to start being carved at the lower left corner; I need it to start in the middle of the workpiece because I have to run two offsets around the initial pocket carve
It just seems to be starting exactly where you tell it to start. You can tell better in the 2nd picture, but the circle is moving relative to the zero location. The zero in Easel is in the far lower left. In the last image, the zero has been moved a few inches up and right, so your circle has been moved the same amount up and right. The circle maintains it’s distance from zero (the pink circled area).
I have had my machine for almost a year now and i am have the same issue datum is bottom Left corner so i can repeat alignment with my probe . But it will not cut center for anything i used to think it was me but now no way i checked that use offset was off i am using vcarve pro