I too am experiencing "carve not centering"

Hi All
I am having the same issue as another user that listed his post as “Carve not Centering”. However, I have redone my stl file many times to no avail.
My workpiece is a circular piece of pine 14.25" in diameter. Both in CAD and my CAM files the piece is perfectly centered in my 14.25" square. However, when it goes to the 1F the piece moves to the north-east corner for some reason. I’m probing on the south-west corner as I always do.
What’s going on?
I know I’ve been posting a lot lately, (so sorry for that),but I feel like I’m having issue after issue this week. I’ve been using my 1F successfully for over a year now so I am quite frustrated as why I am having so many issues.

The box is not your stock dimensions. The machine is doing exactly what you asked but don’t let the box fill you into thinking it isn’t.

For round stock setting origin to center may be easier anyway.

Otherwise draw a square on your wasteboard the size of you stock setting and place your material in that square the same as you did in the software.

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Thanks for the reply.
So the way I set up the probe for a round workpiece is I push the southern portion of the workpiece against a flat border, (2’ level against my waste board rail, mine are set up horizontally), and then I take another 2’ level and I slide that against the left side of the workpiece. I then afix a small piece of wood that’s at the same height as my workpiece into the inside corner of the two levels, thus perfectly matching the southwest corner. I have done this with five other workpieces successfully already this week. (Yeah, I’ve had five other failures with different issues already. Bad week.) Yet after I start the workpiece job I get the machine carving it out as if it’s slid up to the northeast corner about .625", effectively ruining the workpiece.

If the black level isn’t square to the red level this could be the result. If you are making a significant number of projects with this same size disc you should consider cutting a square fixture with a round hole with and inner diameter the same as your disc. Alternately you could scribe a mark in your wasteboard with a square corner for setup and a circle the size of your workpiece.

Hi Derek
It’s square. I used a square to check it. The five previous pieces worked fine, just the last one screwed up and I noticed it not aligned in the 1F box as shown in the first pic so I am reluctant to continue.
I’m not doing a lot of these. In fact, this is my first sign ever as I use my 1F for other things. This is a one-off for a friend’s lake house. He doesn’t know about it, but as the old saying goes, no good deed goes unpunished.

I would then verify the blue T track is parallel to the X axis gantry, I’ve had cases where the right side didn’t move all the way forward when homing and was out of square.

It is. Like I said, I’ve been doing this five other times this week without issue, in the same exact manner.

What is the stock size configured in the software and what is the actual stock dimension.

14.25” square for the stock size, 14.25” in diameter for the workpiece.

It likely makes sense then to check your controller configuration for the distance per step… If you move an axis 12" is it actually 12"

Historically, yes. I’ve never had this issue until the last job run on it.
I did an experiment and created a different file in CC and sent that to the 1F. That too is showing the workpiece image pushed up into the northeast corner. Don’t know what the heck is going on. I’ll try some MDF this afternoon to see if it’s still cutting off-center.

Hey Jim,

I would re-check probe dimensions settings on the SETTINGS page, and possibly do probe fine tuning

Also did you ensure that when probing X & Y you entered the correct diameter of the bit with which you probe

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I decided to try sending the job one last time to my last piece of stock. It worked correctly. No idea why as everything was the same as before and the pic still showed the workpiece in the upper northeast corner too. I guess just a controller glitch?