Y shift between bits

Looking for some help/advice.

I’ve re-calced and loaded this file a couple times from VCarve Pro and the v-carve line keeps ending up in the wrong spot. I homed the machine before cutting, zeroed X and Y at the corner of the piece of acrylic and didn’t change anything other than the Z zero during bit change. I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.

Any suggestions?

Thanks all!

A while back, I found a bug, which Masso confirmed, where when I used the manual tool changer with a tool change location. I had jogged manually during between the point where the spindle stops with the old tool, and before I pressed cycle-start to go to the tool change location. This caused the Masso to shift the offsets. Is it possible you were doing that?


I’m having this issue with the older BB controller. Was any solution found?

I was never able to figure out the direct cause. I ended up re-creating the cut file and that seemed to fix it, even though it was exactly the same. I’ve run multiple files through the machine since and haven’t had the issue again knock on wood

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Thanks for your info. Good to know. I did re-create the file and had the same result. I’ll keep trying. I wonder if I moved the machine manually just a tad while putting on the next bit, but I can’t easily move it.

Is there an offset in that tool path? Look for the Y location of the hole, then look at the program for the scribe and see if it is passing through those points. If it is, then it is a machine/operator problem. If it is not it is something in the software, offset, or post processor.

Open this website and add your program into it and see what it looks like.

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Thanks. I’ll check that out! I’ve had my machine for 3 years and never had this problem until recently.