Clearance pass and finishing pass misaligned

I have an elite foreman about 4 months old with a masso controller, using Carveco maker.
While doing a v-carve program for text, I used a ball nose bit for area clearance and a v bit for the finishing pass. I zero’d the x,y and z axis before starting the pass.
I made sure the tool dimensions were correct with the tool I used when selecting the tool.
Can someone please tell me why these toolpaths are not following the same path?
Thanks for the help, Don

Do I understand correctly that you re-zeroed the X&Y axes after installing the V-bit? If yes, that is likely to be the problem. Only a straight-sided bit can be used to zero X&Y. Which shouldn’t normally be a problem, as usually only the Z axis needs to be re-zeroed after a tool change.

Personally, I always install a 1/4” precision dowel pin in the spindle when zeroing X&Y. Then there’s no chance of an X- oy Y-axis zeroing error due to inconsistent cutting-flute orientation, as is possible when using a router bit.


Thank you Dennis, I will give that a try.