If you can feel the steps, then yes it is a tramming issue. If you can’t feel the steps it is probably what I call combing, where the fibers in the MDF are combed in opposite directions as it cuts.
Thank you very much. I will check this out.
I made a gauge like the one in the video and it is perfect however I don’t see how to adjust for tramming along the Y axis. I saw a video about shimming the router mount but that’s something I would expect if I purchased at Harbor Freight. Any thoughts?
I have used the same jig to do both the X & Y axis on my 1F Woodworker as it has the same spoilboard dimensions 32.125 x 32.125" (816 x 816mm). If you find that the pin is touching the spoilboard at the back but not at the front then you would need to adjust the spindle mount accordingly. Sometimes just a couple of pieces of aluminium foil or a thin washer will be just enough to get it perfect.
Pop/beer cans are great for making thin shims. You can cut them with regular scissors.
Thanks again for all your help guys. It turns out the table my OF was mounted to was flexing in the middle. I had to take the whole thing apart and rebuild a solid table base for the OF.