Tramming question

I recently upgraded from X-35 Woodworker to X-50 Journeyman. I also got he 80mm spindle holder to go with my 80mm spindle (also new).

I found there is a surprisingly big tramming error along the Y plane so not something that can be fixed by loosing the 4 screws and adjusting the rotation as can be done pretty easily along the X plane.

First off I’m really surprised that such a big error was made. I wonder if it was a manufacturing of the 80mm spindle holder or the new X-axis. But I guess I’m stuck with it.

So my actual question is: What is the best way to adjust the tilt of the Z-axis along the Y plane? It seems like you could put layers of aluminum foil behind the Z-axis plate or you could put the foil underneath one side of the x-axis feet where they sit on the two y-axes. What is recommended here? Also, is aluminum foil the right material?

Hey Peter,

this was answered 2 days ago


I had the same situation when I upgraded to the X50 Woodworker, and shortly after a preproduction Z20 assembly. The micro-tramming bolts only worked for me after I put shims under the appropriate z assembly screws. I had earlier purchased a set of SS metric shim stock, and used that for this fix. As Aiph5u has linked, other methods/solutions/experiences can be found throughout the forum.