Can't probe for Z height (solved, each tool must be it's own tool height.)

I combined a few tool paths hoping to be able to do a project without loading individual paths. The machine stops and asks for the different tool but the probe function no longer works so I can set the height. Is this normal?

Just not enough details??? Like what machine are you using??

Again, not enough info. But, if you are trying to combine toolpaths using the same tool, check your tool database to make sure that the tool isn’t duplicated using different tool numbers.

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I tried it again yesterday just combining two toolpaths using different tools. The Masso stops for the tool change. However, the Z probe function is disabled (all probe functions are disabled).

There is no way to probe for Z height unless the machine is rebooted and only one toolpath used at a time.

Each tool must be it’s own toolpath unless you have an ATC.