Compression bit example

Just thought this might be helpful for someone here. I’m making a jig to hold an aluminum box using 1/2 inch birch plywood. First photo was cut with a 1/8 plunge/down cut bit. Second photo used a 1/8 compression bit. Pretty dramatic difference.


Very helpful, thank you

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What was your per pass depth (doc) on the compression bit?

Hey Michael, the plywood is .48 inch thickness and I set the doc at .5 for all the pockets and contours.

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You did a 0.5" DOC with an 1/8" end mill? Straight plunge cut into plywood?

Is that a bad idea, or are you just surprised? Enjoy your videos btw!

Thanks Watkins! A little surprised, a little in awe. Mentally I’m still stuck in X-Carve land - anything over 50% diameter for DOC is very bad juju.

Another neat thing is that the sawdust stays in the contour cut channel and locks the pieces in place, so some parts don’t even need clamping.