What is the general consensus on a good jerk setting for the x, y and z on the Journeyman with the BB controller? The default is 1000 but I know there has been some discussion in the past on increasing it, but haven’t seen anything recently.
I bumped mine to 10,000. I’ve seen some folks report an issue with it that high and success reducing it to 8000.
@cyberreefguru had a video on his YT channel early on where he made some recommendations. He might have new thoughts now he could add.
Hi Carroll - I don’t know that I have specific recommendations for jerk settings. Both acceleration and jerk really only matter if you are doing a lot of movement like you would in 3d carving. Most 2.5d carves won’t benefit too much from adjusting those settings.
That said, the BB controller has a built-in feature that automatically slows the machine down when it comes to a sharp corner or angle - something the CAM processor does not account for nor adds to the gcode. Adjusting the jerk will affect the amount of slowing and you could save some time there (at the risk of breaking your bit in the corner).
Overall, the out of the box jerk and acceleration settings have worked well for me, and if I need to decrease the cut time, I normally do that in my CAM software where I can control the parameters and tweak them to my needs.
Hope this helps!