Day 4 of 2024 release Week! Introducing the Onefinity Spindle Kit by Redline CNC

110v spindles are 1.5kw need 13A peak have a 12 Amp slow blow fuse. 2.2KW are 220V and only need about half that or 7.5 amps peak. Approximate formula is watts/voltage give current.

Hey Onefinitycnc,

Then your 2.2 kW / 1.5 kW ratings do not mean the mechanical power delivered at the end of the shaft, like IEC 60034-1 demands. Obviously what you mean with your ratings of “1.5 kW” and “2.2 kW” is the so-called apparent electric power.

That means that the mechanical power delivered at the shaft is much lower than with real 1.5 kW or 2.2 kW spindles. What you give is the power that is drawn at the input. IEC 60034-1 requires another power rating: The mechanical power available at the shaft.

See here for example calculation. There you see that a spindle that really delivers 2.2 kW mechanical power at its shaft draws more than 3.8–4.5 kVA (and would require a 22 A fuse at 220 V)

In the example linked above, I show that a chinese spindle manufacturer does the same: Offering with power consumption, not power delivery. Like the Makita, where they give the hp that it consumes, not that it delivers, like explained here

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Hi Aiph5u,

Thanks for the reply! I do already have the Onefinity woodworker for roughly 4 years now (buildbotics version).

I’m considering upgrading to the spindle, from my makita router. The tool changer which was introduced right after my post makes it even more interesting.

Now with the latest info from Onefinity I should be fine running it on my 230V (if I plug the correct power cord in the c14 port). I have a 20A fuse on the group I use for the CNC, hence the 7.5A the “2.2 kW” version draws should be no issue.

Perhaps someone from Onefinity could confirm this for EU buyers?

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Hey Mark,

you may watch this video, at this moment the sockets of the VFD are shown:

The model 220 V “2.2 kW” should be this one


but you should be aware that “Rapid Change ATC” is no real ATC like the ISO or HSK spindles like a Jian-Ken JGL-80 or a Mechatron ATC-8022-42-HSK25 (-> Unboxing video).

Here you can see (& here) a ISO ATC tool changing spindle in action. See also here

RapidChange ATC in fact uses only standard collets and counterclockwise rotation.

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What is the size of the VFD box and what is the cable length to the spindle?

I’m trying to figure out if it will fit under my custom table.

Be nice to know more about the spindle and VFD, is it just a HY VFD in a metal box and same for spindle or something completely different.

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Awesome news! I’ve been waiting for this for so long.

Would the 80mm 2.2kW spindle be compatible with an original Woodworker (32x32) with a Z-16 Slider?

Should I add a Z Stiff and is a Z-20 Slider mandatory?

Thank you very much!

80mm 2.2kw will fit on z-16 if it has the 80mm mount. We definitely recommend the stiffy if you install a spindle, especially if it’s the heaviest 80mm one. Z-20 isn’t as important, but would increase carving speeds.


Thank you very much.

What is the weight difference compared to the two 80mm?

Im looking forward to an upgrade kit :wink:

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around 11lbs for an 80mm spindle.

Thanks. But the redline 1.5kw and 2.2kw are same weight?

Yes, the 1.5kw and 2.2k 80mm spindle are the same weight.


What is the maximum usable Z height can I expect with the 2.2k 80 mm spindle on the elite? I want to use a 6", 1/2 shank end mill for a carve that will need 5" of clearance. I plan to use risers to get the X rail out of the way but still not sure if the spindle will have enough Z articulation due to how the stepper motor is mounted. I have the QCW so it is hard to go lower than the waste board.


Would you recommend a stiffy for the X50 as well, or should that be able to handle the 11lb spindle without issue?

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We recommend the stiffy always if you use a spindle


Is the accessory box you announced required for this to work with the original BB model?

The Easy Adapter is NOT required for the redline spindle. Just make sure you choose the BB version of the spindle when you check out.


It is not! Select the BB Buildbotics version of the spindle and you’ll be good to go!

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What type of plug for the 2.2k