Day 5 (bonus) of 2024 release week - Onefinity CNC Easy ATC by RapidChange ATC

I think to have 4 more tools in the system you buy another ATC same price as the first, this is what stopped me from buying the ATC at this time.

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thanks for the reply, makes sense now that you say it. I’ll probably add the add’l 4, then look at it to see how complex it is as I see it is a 3d printed part (for now, maybe molded for production).

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What’s funny is you can buy a 8 tool setup from Rapidchange for the Onefinity for less than the 4 tool one from 1F.

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You pay for support. It costs a lot. Like convenience of plug and play.

If you dont need support or the convenience shop around. You will save.


I worked through the spindle before it was supported and the 4th / rotary axis as well, thanks to some help from the good folks on this forum.

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How soon is the Suckit SM Dust Shoe expected to be availble?

what does the SM in suckit sm dustboot stand for?

It stands for Spindle Mount