Deep 1.5 inch Cuts in Pine

I have been asked to make a couple of signs. These will be made from pine 2x10’s. They will include a curved profile and I am wondering how you folks are cutting through 1.5 inch material. The end mills I have have a max cut depth of one inch. Can I go below that using my standard step downs give that the shaft is long enough? Are there longer end mills available? I have not found any while searching Amazon.

I am having a hard time getting a clean jointed edge using my table saw. So I also plan on using the end mill to cut clean edges to glue. This takes time, but without a jointer, it has to be done.

Any help would be appreciated!!!

I was looking for something like this a while ago, and found some using the search term ‘reduced shank’.
Here is an example, it is a 3/8" bit, but will give you an idea of some of what is available - these can be pricey.

Yes, I think you can cut deeper than the length of the cutting edge as long as total stickout of the bit is 1.5" or more AND you have enough of the bit’s shank in the collet (full support) AND you have somewhere for the chips to go.

The latter would preclude, say, deep slotting operations.

Long stickout = more runout and more deflection, but this is only pine.

P.S. Another way to solve for this would be to make your deep through cuts into 2-sided operations.


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Thank you for the responses. I have just clamped the board in place and put the end mill in the router. With the bit safely in the router, I moved it down to the bottom of the board. I have about a 1/4 inch between the top of the board and the router. I will try this cut tomorrow. The first cuts will be to joint the edge, so the chips will not be a problem.

I’m using an Amana 1/4 upcut bit. the shaft and flutes are equal in size.

slot cutting deeper than the cutting depth will result in some rubbing of the shank and possible burn marks. Two-sided cuts would be a good option but hard to align. Another idea would be to cut a wider clearance slot part way. Then cut down through in the center of the clearance slot. Finally, a finishing path to clean up the edge. Also here is a video I make on jointing edges.


If you are worried about the bit, just accomplish a double sided cut. It seems a bit complicated if you have not done before, but my first ever cut on a cnc was double sided. It came out perfect. I am using Vectric Pro and there were videos that walked me completely through it.

Just a thought. We all making saw dust😊

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You could purchase a Jointing blade for your table saw. I used one for years and they work great.

I successfully cut a jointed edge on the 2x10 using a 1/4 Amana end mill. I made two 27 x 31 panels. I plan on cutting out the signs’ curved profiles using the same bit.

FYI, when surfacing a 27 x 31 panel with a 1 inch surfacing bit, be sure your dust collection in empty. I removed a total of 1/8 and wow, lots of cleanup.