Hello everybody.
I finished installing my new spindle today and I tested it.
Everything is OK
I realize that the work starts at the same time as the spindle.
I would like the work to start only when the spindle has reached its working speed.
Is it possible?
Now I press play to start, pause for the spindle to go up to its working speed and play again to start the job.
I know that you can modify certain startup parameters on a recurrent basis.
I thought there was probably a solution here.
I may have searched badly but I didn’t see anything on it.
Can you help me?
Hey Fred,
which CNC controller do you use, the buildbotics.com-derived Onefinity Controller or the Elite/Masso? If the first, yes, you can add a G4 (Dwell) command in the ‘program-start’ and then of course also at the end of the ‘tool-change’ field on the SETTINGS page.
The command goes
G4 P3
where “5” is the number of seconds you can change to your needs.
Hi Aiph5u
You are a precious support.
I use the derivative of buildbotics.
You mean the “3” rather than the 5?
Ok I will try next time.
Hey Fred,
yes… The correct value depends on the individual spindle and the target speed, just try it out!
You can add dwell or pause for user input in both vectric and f360.
I did that, but it’s not good. The program waits to start but the spindle also, do I have to add M 0 between G 17 and G 4?
Hey Fred,
you are right, the command only makes sense after the M3 command. My fault. It’s the duty of the g-code program to give the M3 command at the right moment, so it is the best, as @AndyP already mentioned, to let the CAM program to insert it. Also M3 command only works when S has been set. If S is 0, M3 does not start the spindle.
No problem.
I’m very happy to have found it alone even if it’s not much.
I feel like I understand what I’m using.