Difference between the Huanyang HY & GT VFD

I expect you are right that it shouldnt make any difference.

What you really need is a person on the forum who has the same VFD up and running with respect to setting up the manual configuration in the onefinity controller and the corresponding configuration in the VFD .

I had trouble setiing my VFD up

Things to check:

  • connectivity from the vfd to breakout board.
  • make sure the breakout board is fully engaging with the controller.
  • then methodically read the buildbotics manual and the vfd manual, try out combinations of setting and record what you did and the results.

from what i have seen in the forums it is typical to have to set frequency, current and voltage settings in the vfd. You dont have them listed above.

Try swapping rs+/rs-

See also:

And many other youtube and forum posts.

Mr VFD @Aiph5u seems to be away from the forums at the moment. He answered many peoples questions. Theres also facebook.

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