Do I need 220 power during assembly?

My Foreman Elite came in on Friday and I worked all weekend. I have my table built and ready to go. I’m going to assemble my QCW tonight and then I can start with the machine. I’ve watched several videos and it looks fairly straightforward. I bought a 220V water-cooled spindle. It looks like you do need to power the machine on during assembly. But I’m assuming 110V will be fine for the machine assembly process. Do I need spindle power during assembly? I can power up the controller because I have 110 circuits already. My electrician won’t be here for a week-and-a-half to install a subpanel for my machine for the dedicated 110 and 220 circuits. I’m just curious if I can basically finish the assembly but not power up the spindle until my electrical work is done.

Thanks for any input!

Yes, you can turn on Masso, home machine and jog around. No need for the spindle or 220v ac


That’s great news. I’m so geeked to get started.


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