@OnefinityCNC Any thoughts on Onefinity stocking the Masso MPG pendants for sale to both existing and upgrading Elite machine owners?
Was looking to order directly from Masso but the shipping costs to Canada were US$48.
Any other Elite / upgrade buyers near London, ON interested in ordering an MPG pendant, shipping costs get slightly better for 2 (US$62) or 3 units (US$72).
I was interested in an Masso MPG pendant, but the $72 shipping cost to the U.S. quelled my desire for one. So if Onefinity could sell them direct to users for the MSRP and half the shipping cost it would be something that I would again be interested in buying.
I bought one from Masso, so anyway to get the same thing cheaper is goodness.
I looked and the cheapest I could find shipped to the USA was from Masso.
I got mine from Automation Technology, same price, but shipping was a little less.
Sweet thanks! You just saved me $30.
Has anyone tried using one of the small programmable keypads with the Masso? I may give this a try for jog control and a few other commands that have keyboard shortcuts.
I decided to go with a wireless mpg from wiXhc and it works great.
here is the info
I purchased a programmable USB keypad with a control knob for just such functionality.
I have it mounted at the front of my machine on a temporary panel I am slowing building/occupying with other components.
Although I have my touch monitor (I built my own pre Elite system a long time ago with a G3 and 3rd party monitor) on an arm right beside my machine, I find it extremely useful to be able to hit a key to switch between Feed and RPM override, and use the knob to adjust both. I can do this all using muscle memory now so I can constantly focus on and monitor the impact of the changes while machining.
I also installed my own pendant, which serves a different function, and which I regularly use when setting up 3D probing and work offsets.
Just picked one up from CanCam CNC in Newcastle, Ontario…came to $226 Cdn with tax. I picked it up, so not sure what shipping will be. There is also a place RoverCNC in Barrie that carries them