Elite Vacuum Port - Max Amps?

What is the maximum amps of a vacuum that can be plugged into the Elite vacuum port?

Looking at the documentation it has a 10A fuse for the vacuum port so I’d say less than 10A.

That’s strange. Most shop vacs run steady just under 10 amps but most start up around 12 amps. That would eliminate the vast majority of shop vac from being connected to the vac port.

I don’t own the Elite so I can’t really comment on why it is what it is, I’d assume it’s a time delay fuse so the initial start up current shouldn’t be an issue. If it is an issue you could plug a 12v power adapter in to the vac outlet and use that to control a IoT outlet or solid state relay with a higher current rating (or even 240v for a large dust collector)

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I think you’re probably right about it being a time delayed fuse. Not many would be able use the port otherwise. Thank you.

Hey Mike, hey Derek, hey all,

10 A? It seems to me that in combination with the U.S. girly power this is quite little, as it would mean max. 1200 W. Just had a look: My workshop vacuum cleaner is also max. 1200 W, but at 230 V this is only 5.2 A.

By the way, in the EU due to Dirctive Nr. 666/2013 in its current version only vacuum cleaners of 900 W are allowed, but it does not apply to wet, wet and dry, battery operated, robot, industrial, or central vacuum cleaners; floor polishers; outdoor vacuums.

However I don’t want to use my workshop vac for the Onefinity, because of difference between workshop vacuum cleaners and dust collection systems

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