Error 12c write failed Errno 5 input error






I flashed the SD Card per your suggestion

Reload 1.0.9


Will not home

All indicator pins “invalid” with the exception of Tool PWM

Reconfigured restored woodworking json file

reconfig reset


attempt to home = would not as before

Indicators screen list all as “disabled” ( Yellow triangle with an ! ) with the exception of Tool PWM

I do not know what to do next. Can someone VPN in to check this out?

Thank you

A couple things I would suggest - first if you don’t have a case open with Onefinity support I would email them.

Second I notice in the picture you posted above the probe seems to indicate it’s currently connected by the green squares:


I would suggest you completely disconnect the probe from the controller and see if these rectangles turn white like this:


Also I would look at the “Indicators” tab and make sure it looks similar to this to ensure the wiring to the stepper motors is correct:



Oh, I thought this was part of Onfinity Support

Onefinity support is active on the forums but in your case I’d contact them directly if you need any hardware replaced…

Looking at the output you’ve posted it seems there might be an issue with the power supply (there is no status for voltage in or out), you might want to also verify it is set to the correct voltage as shown on this link:

Also I would suggest you disconnect everything from the controller except the display - if you have a dead short somewhere it may cause the power supply to disable that voltage rail.

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I tried the file using the keyboard and no luck. I ended up downloading the new version (1.0.9) on a flash drive and installed. Machine is working like a charm now…Thanks for all the info. I was about to lose my mind.

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