i upgraded firmware today now i cant get files to load says they are not compatible but they are Vetric CRV files can i revert back to previous firmware somehow?
i have run these files on previous firmware with sucess.
vectric crv files are the DESIGN file that controller cannot read. You need to export the GCODE from the vectric design file choosing the correct post processor.
This should end in .nc .ngc or .gcode.
Thanks for response. I actually have those files as well all say unsupported. Im going to try to reinstall firmware again today i reqd another post that said his initial instal was somehow corrupt but a 2nd attempt fixed it.
I wanna add that i have on firmware before i upgraded transfered this type file from same creator, a glimpse inside, onto a flas drive then loaded to tablet/controller and worked fine cant even get the controller to recognize the files on the usb now.
Let me go a bit further into my issue.
I pur hased digital files from the maker mentioned above i copied the vector crv file from that download to anflash drive put in controller and it uploaded and ran perfectly.
I tried a different file same properties vcarve crv file after firmware update in the same process it tells me unsupported file.
I can load the original file and still run it still.
I use vcarve pro vesion 11. I have run the update tool in controller again but still havkng same problem maybe the 1.4.2 is not compatible with vcarve pro? My machine is the x35 woodcrafter.
I am new to cnc only used this machine a couple times so im completely green.
Is there a tutorial showing the conversion process you mentioned.