Error code on my 3rd tiling piece

How do I fix this error code. It’s a 6 ft sign so I’m tiling it. It’s my last piece. Thanks!

Hey Billie Jo,

surely a zeroing/probing error. Where is the workpiece zero in your 3D model, and where did you probe it on the real workpiece? Both must be identical. The error means your program at the moment is trying to move the Z axis out of its upper limit by 3.81 mm (0.15") at the command G1 Z0.15 F9.

Bottom left corner. Same for all 3 pieces.

Hey Billie Jo,

then possibly your workpiece is too thick? Your program tries to lift z over its upper limit.

Since the Z axis is trying to go 3.81 mm (0.15") above the soft limit and the command is G1 Z0.15 F9. That means Z0 is at the soft limit - in other words Z0 has not been set at all.