Error code I'm getting

How would I fix this error code?

Another possible issue: your bit may just be too high when the machine homes. How did you set your workpiece Z-zero? If your software is set differently from the surface you’re probing, that could be a problem.
I’ve had some luck by jogging the Z axis down an inch or so, manually setting the Z zero (with the little gear icon next to the Z axis position indicator), and then probing for the actual workpiece Z zero. If you have to do that consistently, another possibility:is lowering the router mounting plate on the X carriage to the next set of holes. This also worked for me when I first set up my machine.

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Hey Billie,

Just so you know what this error means.

Z axis position 3.81mm is greater than maximum soft limit 0mm

This means the Z is trying to travel 3.81mm above ( because it says greater ) the top of the Z travel. Soft limit 0mm is the top of the Z travel also called Home position.

While executing GCode block: G1 Z0.15 F9

This means the error occurred in your gcode at the line that reads:
G1 Z0.15 F9

I expect you are working in inches because 0.15" is exactly 3.81mm.
So this is telling me that the gcode is telling the spindle to go to .15" above where the gcode expects Z0 to be. But since the error says Z is trying to travel 3.81 above the top of the Z travel that means that your Z0 is still at the home position.
So I would say you have not set your Z0 to the correct place yet - either the top of the workpiece or the bottom - whichever your CAM software is set for.

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I have another issue I tried cutting the onefinity that was already uploaded to my machine when I got it someone suggested that , because I keep getting error codes when I try to carve anything . This is the error code I got with it . Is there like a reset of some type I can use to try and fix all the code errors I’m getting .

The error message shows the program is going too high.
Are you setting Z0 after it is homed?
How are you setting your Z0 and approx. how low below the top of the travel is it?
I always verify my Z0 before starting a program by moving off the work piece and pressing the Z0 button (or Z Origin - I don’t remember what it’s called) to take the cutter back down to Z0 and see it is correct.

How To Reset The Configuration To Defaults (BB Controller)

Here is a video about how to setup and run that test program that came with your machine:
Team Onefinity

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