I am trying to do the spoilboard. I have woodworker pro, using Vcarve pro. This is my second week trying to do this. Watched video after video on both software and machine, tech support on machine zero issues etc. Using IDC Woodcraft 1.5" surfacing bit with all bit codes downloaded into the program by IDC manufacturer. Hit home Axis read as follows x= zero (all the way to the left), Y= zero (all the way to the front), so front left corner, Z= zero (router up to the top). Material entered as 3/4 inch. This is not a plunge bit so it is set to 5" gradual down into the material for surfacing very very thin.
Becoming very frustrated with all issues. I’m sure operator/programmer error but do not know where else to turn or what else to possibly try
Hello Tresa and welcome,
Just so you know what this error means.
Z axis position 20.32mm is greater than maximum soft limit 0mm
This means the Z is trying to travel 20.32mm above ( because it says greater ) the top of the Z travel. Soft limit 0mm is the top of the Z travel also called Home position.
While executing GCode block: G0 Z0.8
This means the error occurred in your gcode at the line that reads:
G0 Z0.8
At:./upload/Spoilboard Surface 1.5 surface Bit.ngc:6
This means the error is on line 6 of your file.
I expect you are working in inches because 0.8" is exactly 20.32mm.
So this is telling me that the gcode is telling the spindle to go to .8" above where the gcode expects Z0 to be. But since the error says Z is trying to travel 20.32mm above the top of the Z travel that means that your Z0 is still at the home position.
So I would say you have not set your Z0 to the correct place yet - the top of the spoilboard, if that’s what you wanted. Your CAM software has to be set to the same place.
How are you setting your work origin? Do you have a touch probe?
I do have a touch probe. I kinda understand half of what you said. Yes, working in inches. So do I move the z to the top and home that at zero on that touch screen? That is what we did initially. Then how do I enter that in vcarve…or how exactly do I use the probe with this surface bit we have from IDC. It has 4 little paddles on it
Also, what does the jog error warning mean? Thanks you so much for walking this ultra newbie through this.
I’m going to fire up my machine and take pictures of how I do it. Give me a 1/2 hour. We’ll try to get you going.
While I am doing that - where is the origin set in the Vcarve pro? front right corner or center of the spoilboard or somewhere else?
I really appreciate your help. Here is what I have in vcarve. I hope it makes sense and you may see my error in a flash. Our machine is supposed to be 32x32 cut area, but it goes 32.5" on x and only 27.5" on Y. Dont understand that one. So to be safe I set project size for 32x27 with .75" thickness
Mine goes 32.126" on X and Y. Yours should too.
Check the configuration settings.
How To Reset The Configuration To Defaults (BB Controller)
Click on the machine you have. Then reboot, home it, then try to go to the back right corner limits and see what the X and Y read.
Unfortunately I don’t have Vcarve. I can just help you with getting the machine set.
I went through all that with tech support. I can check that again
You have the 32" x 32" woodworker?
After you reset the configuration - to check go to Motor 0 and Motor 1. They should both say 32.126 inch or 816mm beside max-soft-limit
Here is a video to set Z0 on the controller to the top of the spoilboard.
No Oscars will be won here but I hope you can understand it.
You do have to get the X0 Y0 and Z0 to match in Vcarve as well. Sorry I cant help with that.
I am doing all the trainings for vcarve and will look more into that too. I am working on the machine now. Michael at MatterHacker has been super great too
Ok, I am trying to do this again. Thank you for your help. I’m trying to re-read through all these steps so I don’t mess up. My emails are all getting lost within each other. This is where I do better on a phone call LOL
Reconfigured…Motor zero and 1, say 816 mm…so that is good.
When making your toolpath in Vcarve I would recommend not going to the absolute limit of your travels. So don’t have your toolpath go right to 32.126" - you will get overtravel alarms. I use 32" and set my X0 and Y0 on the machine in a bit ( .05" ) so it wont overtravel. Since your cutter is 1.5" wide you will actually be cutting 33.5"
https://ncviewer.com/ is what I use to verify and measure my gcode. You dont want any moves that go outside your travel limits.
I see I was zoomed in too much to show the Digital Readout on the left hand side but hopefully you see how you can check where your toolpath is actually going. It’s a good way to double check that Vcarve or whatever software your using is doing what you intended.
Tresa, if you need assistance email support@onefinitycnc.com. Matterhackers is a reselller and no on there has most likely ever actually used a Onefinity (and maybe not any Cnc).
Our support will help you out.
That is simply the position the bit will start at before beginning the carve.
You can change the distance by going to the toolpaths pane and clicking the “Set…” button under “Material Setup”
Then go to the bottom and change the “Z gap above material” value.
This is not your issue however! You need to set the Z-zero position to the surface of the spoilboard. Right now your Z-zero is set to the maximum upper limit, so it cannot move any higher than that and hence the error.