Hey Stan,
Please be aware that if you have a virtual 3D model that is nearly as big as the workarea of the machine (like a wasteboard flattening toolpath or a wasteboard grid toolpath), you got to probe or manually set your workpiece zero very exactly where it is on the model. A shift by few mm already would make that you intend to mill outside of the machine’s workarea and produce the error you mention.
It is wise to look at the simulation of your toolpath file after having probed of manually set the workpiece zero:
- If connected from remote, the camotics.org 3D toolpath simulation is displayed before and the moving cutter while the program runs:
Image: The 3D toolpath simulation is displayed if the Onefinity Controller is opened in a web browser on a remote computer.
The blue box is the machine’s workspace. Everything outside of this will produce a limits error. The white box is the space where your loaded g-code toolpath program indends to mill. Green lines is where the machine will mill with given feed rate, red lines are where the machine will move rapidly.