Hi! Getting ready for my first cut. I am using Fusion 360 Manufacturing plugin and onefinity.cps
version 44131 from the Autodesk website. I am generating for an Elite Foreman with MASSO G3.
When I generate from post-processor, I’m not very confident about the tool handling. Specifically it appears that the Tx M6
commands are not what I expect to see. For instance, there is no initial tool load, it just expects to start cutting.
When I scan the cps file, I find this:
if (!isFirstSection()) {
writeToolBlock("T" + toolFormat.format(tool.number), conditional(getProperty("useM06"), mFormat.format(6)));
} else {
writeToolBlock(formatComment("T" + toolFormat.format(tool.number)));
At the start, it intentionally skips the generation of the tool change if it is the first section.
What should one make of this? It seems like it would be a problem if one had an ATC. Wouldn’t it be better to leave it to the controller to decide if it has the correct tool or not?