Fine-tuning Gamepad Jog Speed

Hey Greg,

this is a division. To try out the behaviour I changed the 32.0 first to 512, rebooted, tested (green lower button on gamepad), and then I changed the value to 1, rebooted, tested again by moving one of the axes with the gamepad. The behaviour after pressing the green button was in the first case that the speed was 1/4th of the “ultra slow” speed, with the latter value it was as fast as the “full speed” button. So if you said the “low speed” is too low, you could decrease the 32.0 to a value below it in order to increase the speed.

Instead of increasing the speed that the green button activates (speed 2 in the code), you can of course also decrease the speed the red button activates (speed 3).

By the way, when typing in long paths like /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/bbctrl-1.0.9-py3.5.egg/bbctrl/, you can make use of the auto-complete function of bash by typing only /usr/ and the next letter l, and then the Tab key twice, then it shows you possible completions, and you again simply type the next letter, and this way repeatedly until the path is complete.
To read the full bash manual, type the command man bash (←or click here).

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