Wer on machine wont operate with joystick or any other way with "Z" axis

I just set my machine up and check the cables several times but it won’t raise or lower on the z axis

Hey Chad,

what happens if you enter “G0 Z2” into the command entry field of the MDI Tab (in the Tabbed Section) of your Onefinity Controller display?

Is jogging Z possible on the Jog Page?

It will move but I’m getting this error message

Hey Chad,

did you already check Help! My Toolpath says ‘Under’ or ‘Over”! (with videos)?

If the Z axis moves with g-code commands entered into MDI field and with the Jog Page, but not with the gamepad, it is likely you did not set the gamepad to the right mode. See here.

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Ok perfect. I will check there. Thanks for your patience. I’m new to using online groups and I greatly appreciate your help.