Took my X35 apart to replace the bearings on both of the Y rails. Did an in-depth clean on everything while it was apart. Put it back together and now I’m getting the error message. I tried lowering the Z-Slider with negative results. I’ve had the Z-Slider in the middle mounting position ever since I got the machine in July of '21.
This also happens to be the first use of the machine since upgrading from VCarve Pro 11.5 to Aspire 11.5.miss something during the upgrade? Is there something I need to adjust?
the error message reveals that you have a command in your toolpath (“G0 Z0.5”) that tells the machine to move quickly to Z position +0.5 in (+12.7 mm). This is not possible, as the Z travel goes from −133 mm to 0 mm (−160 to 0 mm with Z-20 slider). The error means that your g-code program tries to move outside of the machine’s workspace. There are no positive values on Z axis on the Onefinity machines, as Z home (0) is on topmost position (see also the explanations here).
This could also be a probing Z error. The workspace zero coordinate has to be probed or manually set exactly where it is on your virtual 3D model. If you have the workpiece zero on the bottom of your 3D model (=on machine bed) you have to probe or manually set Z zero at the bottom (machine bed) on the real workpiece too.
I suggest to take a look at the 3D toolpath simulation which is displayed before (and the moving cutter while) the program runs:
Image: The 3D toolpath simulation is displayed if the Onefinity Controller is opened in a web browser on a remote computer.
The blue box is the machine’s workspace. Everything outside of this will produce a limits error. The white box is the space where your loaded g-code toolpath program indends to mill. Green lines is where the machine will mill with given feed rate, red lines are where the machine will move rapidly.
Unfortunately, this 3D toolpath simulation is not shown on a HDMI monitor that is connected directly on the Onefinity Controller, because the Raspberry Pi 3B inside has not the 3D graphics capabilities to display it (the 3D acceleration drivers aren’t even installed), but on a computer connected via Ethernet or WiFi you should have such graphics capabilities and you can see where your g-code toolpath program exceeds the limits of the machine.
Repositioning the Z assembly will have no effect on this error. The error is either in your g-code toolpath program or in the probing or manually setting Z zero procedure.