I am almost ready to pull the trigger on a Foreman Elite with a PWN spindle. Question is will the Masso support the PWN Spindle with the ATC system. Do people like the ATC system? Also i have read a TON posts about spindles and think I want water cooled 2.2k. I am a hobbyist who plans to make and sell things in “retirement” I have a genmitsu 6060 at the moment and just want something with some more power, quicker and I love the idea of the Masso. Any thoughts or suggestions are SO welcome…thanks in advance.
1F will not support any spindle but theirs, the Redline. So if you want support you would want to get the Redline Spindle with the 1F RapidChange ATC. Pretty sure no one has this combo yet from 1F. The Redline is air cooled which is my preference as there is less system stuff and the air cooled works fine for me, never gets hot and I work mine pretty hard. I am getting the RapidChange ATC tomorrow and will see how it works pretty soon, I ordered mine from Rapidchange as I get double amount of tools for less then the 1F. Of Course I sacrifice 1F support. You can’t beat the 1F machine for the money.
Hope this helps.
First off Thank you for answering I might need clarification. I watch a lot of youtube videos and most of the guys seem to use the PWN spindle with their foreman elite’s? Are you saying it won’t work or 1F won’t help me with any problems that come up?
1F will not support the PWN Spindle, it will work just fine, they make it easy to have and install a spindle and PWN will fully support you with it.
Onefinity now offers their own spindle, the Redline, announced Black Friday. People are starting to receive them, so there are no videos of them yet, which is why everything you’ve seen until now has been PWN
Thanks so much How do feel about air cooled vs water cooled?
Sorry to be a pest I just really want to make the right decision before putting all the cash out…I am sold on the 1F foreman elite…that i know. spindle is holding me up because I REALLY love the idea of a real ATC…The rapid change actually screws the collets on instead of air compression correct? Have you ever used an ATC before or is this your first one
There are discussions in the forum on air vs water. One of the recurring themes is that if you are milling soft metals, water cooled is better as it is a closed system and metal fragments cannot get into the motor and short it as air cooled spindles can.
I owned a large machine shop for 30+ years, all of our CNC machines had ATC, so now to these hobby machines, no experience with ATC on them, I believe the PWN ATC is pretty close to what you find on industrial machines, the Rapidchange is a far departure from them, the reason I am going with the Rapidchange is I am a bit of a tight wad, and I don’t want more systems to deal with, Air Cooled verses water cooled, the Rapidchange is very simple and I was on the fence until 1F now offers them was a big confidence booster, One last thing, when you add the cost for a PWN ATC and all associated hardware together, you are pretty close to the cost for a good industrial CNC Router,
I am a big fan of 1F machines, good bang for your buck.
Anyway hope this helps a little.
I meant a good used industrial CNC Router, not a new one.
I have the Elite Foreman to which I added a CNC Depot 3 HP ISO-30 ATC spindle. The spindle is air cooled and industrial rated (cost is also industrial)
I like it a LOT. I am the weak link, the machine is not. However, be careful with the Masso Controller and ATC.
The tool change command in GCode is “M6 T#”. Now per the standard those COULD appear in either order on a line. Not so for Masso, they want “T# M6” ONLY. What this means is your CAD/CAM software must have a post processor that supports this format. (the error will be loading the wrong tool)
I have a pull request in to FreeCAD, to release a post processor specifically for the Masso. Ok to be honest it is a virtual copy of the LinuxCNC controller, so it is not that big a deal.
Good Luck … you pay your money and hope for the best.
Many air-cooled machines have an “air blast” feature that runs clean air through the spindle. This prevents chips from getting into the spindle.
My spindle has this feature.
Hi there,
I don’t want to be the party pooper - but: a spindle is a spindle - not much intelligence there.
Turn left, turn right, turn faster, etc.
All of this comes from the VFD. and the VFD gets its signal from the Masso controller.
I have been at the same point where you are now.
The Makita router was never an option and the spindle I was looking at the time costs a fortune.
So, I tried something I rarely do and got myself a 2.2 kW water cooled China spindle from V**** incl. a VFD.
With that I got myself a water cooler - you will find a post about that somewhere around.
Works perfectly well.
Water cooled spindles are so silent and the 2.2 kW are chasing a 52 mm flattening tool over everything easily.
…just my two cents.
I’m sure the “Onefinity” spindle works pretty well - and maybe I will get one, once my cheap one has died…