(Benoît Marchal)
August 29, 2021, 10:22pm
There’s one on the Autodesk site but I recommend you download the community edition instead:
Please dont take this as a negative feedback.
I’m happy to see that there are contributer like you that get involve and act to get the Onefinity Post Processor Evolve.
That said, I did some review and wanted to give you my though and suggestion
The baseline used to create your revision seem to be ‘$Revision: 43008’.
This is an old revision that do not take in account Autodesk and Buildbotics changes and since onefinity post processor inherits from them this will eventually be a problem.
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(Kevin Johnson)
September 7, 2021, 2:08pm
I’ve been using fusion 360 and posting with the post called Kirbre which is for onefinity
Can we get the community version posted to git so we can to PRs against it and keep it synced to any major changes AD might issue (or whoever maintains the PP)? Maybe on the OF git page?
(Michael Hentges)
September 8, 2021, 10:04pm
The OneFinity post-processors are on github here: GitHub - OneFinityCNC/onefinity-post-processors
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