I don’t own a machine, yet, and am holding off until I can confirm Fusion 360 has a post-processor that will work with the OF. If anyone has any info or examples of how they are using F360 and their OF that would be great!!!
This is a great forum! I’ve been reading and learning a lot, first post!
There are many folks using Fusion 360 for their milling here. The post processor we are using until the “official” OF one comes out is the Buildbotics PP, which is the foundation for the OF controller. The rest of the folks have to keep me honest here but I do not think there is anything from stopping you from using Fusion 360 to start carving today.
It looks like the Onefinity post processor is available now. If you go to the manufacturing workspace and then Manage->Post Library you can search for Onefinity in the Fusion 360 Library.
I’m just beginning my CNC journey, but I’ve used to it successfully machine a design.
Thank you for the information. I looked in my Fusion 360 - free for personal use version - but did not find the OF listed in F360 library. Maybe it’s my version that is the issue. I noticed in your screenshot that you have ‘local’ highlighted - did you import it from somewhere? Like @MindOfMcClure, I was still waiting for an official release by Autodesk.
I’m using the Personal Use Fusion 360 December update. In the screenshot I have local highlighted because I installed it as my (only) CNC processor. Click on ‘Fusion 360 library’ (step 1) and then type ‘onefinity’ in the the search bar and press enter (step 2). The Kirbre Enterprises Inc Onefinity selection will come up. Highlight it and drag it to ‘local’ (steps 3+4).
I appreciate your quick reply and taking the time to explain. I did not think to do a search for OF - assumed it would be listed. I have it now in my local folder ready to use.
Thank you,