Fusion Question? Bit starts outside area for spoil board flatening

I’m brand new, trying to set up my spoil board flattening with Fusion 360. The problem I am running into is that the first thing it does is send the bit outside the cutting area as a lead in but I have no lead in. I am assuming I am missing a fusion setting somewhere. Appreciate any help.


The facing operation doesn’t have the ability to plunge into the workpiece as far as I know, you might need to use a pocket operation or edit the g-code file to remove the lead in if you want the mill lines to run side to side specifically.

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Editing the Gcode did work to remove the lead in. I appreciate understanding that all face operations will have lead in.

Hi, I’m bran new to cnc myself and I’m having the same problem trying to flatten my spoilboard using fusion 360. I tried to use the pocket operation but couldn’t get around a similar issue that it wants to start just outside the usable work area. Could you share how to adjust the G-code to get ride of the lead in for the face operation? I’ve done some searching but haven’t gotten anywhere with the codes that need changing. I know I can just do this manually but really want to try and get this to work using fusion g-code. Thanks for any help you can provide.

When I do the 2D pocket cut it starts the tool path from the center of the board and works outwards and the path never goes outside the cutting area. The model is a box the maximum size of the onefinity area (816x816 mm). The stock is the same size as the model in setup. In the 2D pocket, select the top of the box as the contour. Select the inside area to cut not the outside. The top height is the stock top. The bottom height is set to the selected contour minus the desired cut depth. I use a .95 x bit diameter for stepover. I zero at the top center of the board.

Thank you, I was able to get my spoil board flattened.