Help! Is my cutting board ruined?

I am carving for an inlay on a cutting board, but accidentally set my parameters wrong for the female carve. I had the start depth set to 0.2 and the flat depth at 0.1. Now I don’t know what to use for the inlays to make them fit. Is there a way to fix this?? Do I have to start over? Any help appreciated!

So what you did was push the bit into .2 and carved down an additional .1 leaving you with a depth of .3

So no you did not ruin the cut you just need to adjust your parameters for your male piece but you did not give those parameters though if you intended your male piece to be start depth of .1 and flat depth of .1 then you would now change those values to .15.


I was going to comment but tKC covered the possible solution spot on.

I would add though, that I’ve committed this same error because of infrequent inlay work. I usually cut both male and female parts in scrap first as a precaution.

Jack Nicklaus once said about golf is 10% skill and 90% recovery. I think the same is often true woodworking.