Homing after a cut

Is there anyway I can set my router to raise up only when finishing a cut? as I’m having difficulty after making a pocket in a tray, I then switch to a 1/4 downcut bit and it rips through the walls of the tray as it lowers first, and vice versa when doing the outside cut first. i just need the router to stay in XY position when finishing a cut and just raise up the Z.

im a newbie so any help would be much appreciated.

thank you

Did you re-zero after the bit change? When you change a bit the last zero reference is not the same as the new bit.

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hi woodpecker,

thank you for replying,

yes I did. I just would like it to home the Z axis at its highest point after a cut, if I could establish how to do this I think my problem should be solved. I do not want to start changing settings without being sure what I’m doing.