Hey Tom @tjp52,
That refers to a normal stop command. But does this also apply when you assign an input to the function 8 Free Stop or 43 Emergency Stop, as discussed here with Daniel @PwnCNC?
According to IEC 60204-1, to meet the requirement for an emergency stop, which is finally reaching Safe Torque Off (STO) which is the case for Stop categories 0 and 1, requires that the spindle is electrically cut from power in the VFD, so it is usually left coasting in the final stage of emergency stop. Braking would mean that it is not cut from the VFD as the spindle (which acts as an induction generator then) would need to deliver its deceleration current to the internal brake chopper. This would only meet the Stop category 1 if it is ensured that the spindle is reaching the Safe Torque Off (STO) requirement at the end of the emergency stop procedure.