This applies to only Elite series machines. (There are two different versions of the motor, one with removable motor driver board (shown below), and one without. This FAQ only applies to the version of the motor that has a removable driver.
Wiring diagram
Ensure all dipswitches are in the ‘up’ position as indicated by the blue rectangle and white numbered switches at the bottom of this photo:
(V1 motor) (no resistor required)
(v2 motor) (resistor required)
Do not perform if support has not instructed you to do so.
Disconnect power from the wall.
Remove the two screws from the plastic motor driver housing. Remove cover.
Locate the green connector holding in the red and black wires.
Pull up gently on the green connector holding in the red and black wires, dislodging it from the motor.
Grab the black masso motor driver board by the 4 corners.
Pull gently upward, disengaging the long green connectors from the board to the motor.
Inspect any motors for damage:
See pictures:
Or Pinched/freyed wires: