How to trace image

How to trace the image? I tried inkscape but didn’t turn out correctly.

Would like to have lines so I can engrave.

Inkscape traced exactly what it saw, sadly there is often a lot of manual labor involved in converting things like this.

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Given the shading tracing in Inkscape will be very difficult (as you found out). Since it’s just straight lines, I recommend simply redrawing it using vectors, or maybe in a Fusion sketch. It would be super easy in Fusion - you only need to draw one of the hexagons and squares, then you can pattern is as large or small as you want. I’m happy to give it a go if you want.



OK, didn’t see your post but I came to the same conclusion, that I would have to trace it. But have so many over laps and intersections, still looking how to connect everything correctly.

File pattern4.svg!AroRg1WFcHIWhMkM1qFhZYp2n9fhRA?e=UOjqjx

Here is one I just created. It is all pure black and white with no shading. You can trace it with VCarve and then engrave it doing a VCarve tool path. When I traced it with mine it came put perfect when simulating the tool path.



Thanks. One question if you do trace a image how to connect all the lines?

Hi Frank - not sure what you mean by “connect all the lines”. Doesn’t Aspire simply follow the vectors? Or do the vectors need to be completely closed, like other CAM programs?

Either way, I can create a SVG using Fusion that has all the lines connected if you want, but it seems like you are well on your way.


in vectric it’s called JOIN

I have used the JOIN command. But does not always connect to the to connection I wanted to connect or it adds another line on top of another.
Trying to find tutorials on how to do this. Didn’t think it would be hard to have just a line connect to another. I know I’m missing how its done been watching so many Vectric videos but not covered it yet.

I have Fusion also just have not learned how to use it yet.

Try this link and see if it answers your question…

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