Hey Sean,
People who intend to buy a 110 V VFD for a 2.2 kW spindle motor should always be aware that
- serious VFD manufacturers don’t produce VFDs for the 100 V class stronger than 0.75 kW and that
- those manufacturers who do offer them, simply omit the rated input current and input power in kVA both in the manual and on the nameplate, in order to make people in 110 V countries believe they can get away with a 30 A circuit. If you simply calculate what the rated current at the expected input power would be on a 110 V 2.2 kW output VFD, if it wasn’t omitted and they would write it on the nameplate or into the manual, no U.S. citizen would buy it as there are no circuits in domestic environment that deliver 110 V with more than 30 A.
For higher power devices like VFDs/spindles, ovens, air conditioners, electric heaters, car chargers, etc., there is 240 V, because for the same power (kW) of your device, you need only half the current, which means half the wire strength and half the fuse strength, as explained here.