I have to admit defeat in learning the special variant of English that my HY VFD manual is written in. I was able to successfully start/stop my dust collection using an SSR and FA/FB/FC programmed for close on Run, but I just can’t figure out how to implement the VFD’s timers in conjunction to introduce a 5 second delay shutting off dust collection at the end of a run. Help, please!
Hey John,
welcome to the club .
As far as I understand the timers in the Huanyang manual, you could feed the output that you already successfully use to an input by setting PD044-PD049 to “13” or “14” which will then start timer and activate another output set with PD050-PD053 to “16” or “17”. But I ask myself, for what would be “18” and “19” then? I think a timer makes only sense if you can enter a value, for wich PD065 and PD066 seem to be, but only output function “16” and “17” refer to these settings.
PS: Note that with the Omron MX2 / Hitachi WJ200, the answer would be easy, but then just the question itself would not come up, because their manual is clear and understandable. Also they have an internal logic to which you assign events or input states and with this you are able to let outputs act on the logic result.