I was wondering if anyone experienced anything like this before.
I loaded up my cart on the 9th with the machine of my choice and all the accessories i was looking to purchase.
I chose PayPal Credit as the method of payment, so i applied and was approved. When i was redirected back to the Onefinity site where i could see the order summary, i noticed PayPal was using my old address as the shipping address, despite having my new address as the default/ preferred shipping address. I closed the browser and went back to PayPal to see if i could fix the issue and it wouldnt let me delete my old address, but saw my new as the default.
Soni went back to my shopping cart and followed through the process and this time they got my address right but my phone number wrong. So once again i went back and deleted my old number, which i have done already because this happened once before.
I finally went back to my cart and this time it said PayPal credit is not available for this purchase. Im so upset. I got back to my PayPal and see what looks like a purchase, because it says purchase, and then another that appears to be a returned amount for the same amount.
I NEVER placed my order. All the items are still in my cart, i checked “My Orders” and theres nothing.
I called PayPal to fix the address issue and they also said the amount would be returned in 3 to 5 days. The next day i checked and the return amount is gone and theres only a pending purchase amount, which is not the same amount originally. I called PayPal and they said the amount was adjusted and that it would be returned in 3 to 5 days. I was so upset that i didnt ask why it why adjusted.
Its day 5 now and it hasnt changed. Im probably going to call PayPal back to ask whats going on. They dont really have me feeling all that reassured. They said they would increase my limit so i could make the purchase, but i told them no because this didnt feel right.
I read that the reason why it could be pending is because the merchant hasnt processed the payment, which they shouldnt because i didnt place my order. I emailed Onefinity about this and havent received a reply back. I want to know if they received any weird orderless transaction from so they could possible deny it to help speed up the process?
Anyone familiar with the whole process? I really want to get the ball rolling because ive been waiting to buy one of these machines for sometime now.