if you are running the cnc will stop automatically to change the bit (tool)

if you are running the cnc will stop automatically to change the bit (tool)

If you need to change tools (bits) then you should save each toolpath as an separate file. Once it completes the first toolpath it will return to your X, Y zero position and allow you to raise the bit, change to another bit and then re-zero the z-axis.

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Depending on what post processor you’re using you can also modify it, to explicitly call for a tool change.
Or you can even make it prompt you with a custom message.

For reference, I use Fusion360 and modified the post processor to produce T1 M0 (MSG, Change bit to T3) on tool changes.

            "T" + toolFormat.format(tool.number),
            conditional(getProperty("useM06"), mFormat.format(6)),
            formatComment("MSG, Change tool to T" + tool.number + "," + tool.description)
        /* original logic for tool change
        if (!isFirstSection()) {
            writeBlock("T" + toolFormat.format(tool.number), conditional(getProperty("useM06"), mFormat.format(6)));
        } else {
            writeComment("T" + toolFormat.format(tool.number));

If you follow the original logic, tool changes were not printed unless it wasn’t the first section AND the tool was different than in previous.

In my case I want explicit call for explicit tool each time.