Installing the Jtech 44 watt Laser on my Masso Elite

I am finally getting to my Onefinity Masso Elite and Jtech 44 Watt Laser install- and of course there are challenges.- Has anyone successfully done this recently and would willing to share their tips and tricks?
I have been watching the Jtech guy on the YouTube video explain it- but he isn’t working with a 44 watt and for some reason I don’t see the same screens as he has.- In particular when i go into the F1. Setup and go to output 11- It does not offer me a selection of Laser Engraver- many other options but no Laser engraver- The closest one to it is the Laser-Air Assist.
Next issue is the power button and toggle switch- when following his instructions and making certain that the switch is moved toward the LED side -When I turn it on it is no where near a low setting- It immediately starts to burn through my table surface/waste board.
I did place the aluminum shield on next (yeah- should of done it’s first) but it is still way powerful in both positions and both LEDs stay on in both positions…
Yikes- I need help.
Anybody out there and active today?