Installing the Masso MPG Pendant on my Elite

Installing the Masso MPG Pendant on my Elite
There is a black and green wire on E STOP 2
Do I move both wires to E STOP 1 or just the black wire?
Masso wiring only shows (1) wire. they said contact Onefinity
Onefinity says contact Masso
Need some help here!
Thanks in advance,


Is your question regarding how to make ‘both’ E-Stop buttons functional? I think there is an E-Stop button on the pendant and then there is an E-Stop on the display. If I understand correctly, you’re wanting to wire the pendant and keep both E-Stop buttons.

Have you seen this? There is a brief mention of E-Stop 1 & 2 with the pendant and then at the bottom there is a link at the bottom for E-Stop wiring. This link gives wiring examples with one button or multiple buttons.

See if these help you.

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I have seen this. The problem is all diagrams that I have seen only shows (1) wire that you move. I have (2) wires on the same terminal. do I move both wires or just one?

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That second link for E-Stop Wiring shows that the switches are wired in series, not in parallel. So think of a daisy chain. That way any one of the switches can interrupt the circuit.

I don’t have this set up to show you and I may be poor at explaining, but essentially you don’t want both switches patched down into one terminal, according to that schematic.

I do not have an Elite, but have installed my own G3 for my build. I found a photo someone posted of the controller wiring

I see the two wires - black and green - is that what you have?
It is unusual to have 2( and not best wiring practice to have two ferules under one screw terminal), so your question is a good one. Can you trace both wires to see where they terminate/connect? That may help. Does Onefinity provide a wiring diagram for their Masso Touch installation?

Masso has contacted me and is in the process of working on it. My hat’s off to them!


I would still be interested in tracing the wires to understand what Onefinity has done. As far as I understand they do the wiring in house - Masso would only supply the Touch controller (so it is nice that they are the ones helping, and one of the reasons I chose their controller - service and support has been excellent during my several years as an owner of the G3).


Anyone have any input into this issue? I had installed this pendant the other day, followed the Masso thread installation steps, got my e-stop functional and now I’m stuck where the instructions have me change the pulse for motors x,y,b from 400 to 800. I want my X1 functional on the pendant. Currently X1 and X10 move the machine in the same amount on all axis. They both move .001

Changing these to 800 halves my travel from 32 to 16", and playing around with the distance per rotation fixes this issue, but completely removes the functionality of the X1 (.0005") jog option again, which is what I’m trying to fix in the first place. I’ve got all dip switches set to on/up position. What setting am I missing here? I’m not seeing anyone with the same problem. Onefinity elite woodworker Masso g3

Yeah, it only works on the Y and Z axis though. The X axis with identical settings still halves my x travel from 32 to 16. If I update the distance per revolution to compensate I lose functionality of the X1. It’s still driving me nuts. With or without the first switch on it has the same outcome

Just went through this. Move only the black wire to the Estop 1 terminal. The green wire remains on Estop 2 terminal.

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Thanks for the information. I had the same exact question and your post has answered that issue. On to the next, I go…