Is there a file size limit

I am trying to upload a laser burn.
There are two different files I would like to upload, one is 620mb the other is 329mb.
Both made in lightburn.

Both “fail to upload”

Is there a way to reduce the file size?

Files that size are probably the wrong file format. What is the file extension you are trying to upload to the controller?

the file is the lightburn format .gc
I have done smaller files with the same format.

I will do a double check just to make sure

I could be mistaken but I think .nc and .ngc are the preferred file formats for this controller. Are you able to make these files extensions?

yes, these are .gc files. I did find the reason they are so big was that I have them set to 600 dpi.
I reduced that down to around 250-280 and the file size is now around 130mb for each. They still give me the upload failed error however.

I took one and reduced the image size from 11x14 down to 6x4.6 and the file will load.
Is there a image size limitation with the laser?

I will save the file in both the .nc and .ngc just to see what happens.

The nc and ncg file types seem to be working, Thank You for pointing me the right way.

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For sure man. Glad I could help :+1: