I’m setup with a 27" Monitor and a Mouse, I use the onboard Keyboard whenever I rarely need one.
But I find when using the mouse it is painful slow. Is there anyway to change mouse settings within the controller? I’ve had a look at where to do it with Chromium, but it doesn’t seem to be available on the the Onefinity controller (still running v1.0.8)
the quick way is to open a terminal window and to enter:
xset m 2 6
First parameter is acceleration, second is threshold. To revert to slow mode, use:
xset m 1 1
The exact description of this command is displayed with the command:
man 1 xset
Note that the effect will be lost on shutting the machine down. To make this permanent, you could try to add something to this section of the file /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf:
Where “real” has to be replaced by a floating point number and “integer” has to be replaced by integer numbers with which you tweak acceleration and threshold. The exact description of the parameters used in this configuration file is displayed with the command: