It's ALIVE! Run for your lives! Ahhhh!

Hey Blackhawk,

another thing: Before deciding on where to position the machine, if you ever plan to use drag chains, take into account the additional space. If you ask me personnally, I would rather have the stepper protruding the right acrylic (or polycarbonate?) pane than to loose the option for drag chains. For Journeyman drag chains components, see here and here

Note that as long you don’t use drag chains, the stock cabling lacks strain relief on the Onefinity CNC (except the little crimped strain relief on each individual contact pin). Especially on the moving X gantry, the permanent movement is not good for the cables on the connectors which is why many people added 3D-printed or wooden strain relief and showed their solutions here. I would in any case at least provide space for this.

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