Joystick operability

I have the same issue. (Brand new user here…) I can switch modes every time I start it up but I want to know if there is a way to get it to STAY THAT WAY when I start using it again. Have you figured it out?

I wanted a wireless pad so I bought the Logitech F710 that 1F recommended. It seemed pointless to me to instead buy some plain-wrap Chinese version in order to save ten bucks on an expensive machine. The F710 works great.

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Using the F710, when you turn it off and back on again do you have to cycle through it to get to the correct “mode” for use? Or does that model stay in the correct mode.
I have the wireless one that they sent me with my purchase. However, I have to cycle through it by holding the button down for 10 sec (x2) and then after 10 minutes of idle time I have to do the same thing. A mess to say the least.

Thanks Barry!

The F710 doesn’t have an on/off switch as far as I know. it does “fall asleep” after a few minutes, though. I wake it up by hitting the horizontal lock button

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